Attacked Myself With Paint!!
Well, It's 7:50 in the morning.. I just can't sleep.. I'm going to go try after this post... I Was bored, and I didn't knwo what cat I wanted to start painting in the paint program, So I decided, I'll decide on the pets another day And I decided to paint a picture of well... myself!!.... I started around 5:30 ish, so Here is The end result of the 2 hours and 20 minutes ish...
My hand hurts from doing this without taking a break, but Oh Well.. I think It turned out okay!...
here it is:

(*click picture to make it bigger*)
Well, It's bed time for me now... I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow.. :)
That painting is so good. Do you use watercolor or something else. You could really make a living selling your art. Have you thought about selling them or going to art school. Just something you should consider.
You actually painted that?
I thought it was a picture of yourself you had taken ...
Impressive, nice to see such great talent in the family!
auntie Anne... Thanks.. I Use the paint program on the computer... Sometimes when I Paint Not on The computer, I use watercolor, Acrylics, And oil paints... I Am planning on going to hair Dressing School Soon, But I've thought About art school.. never thought about selling it though!...
Uncle jow- :).. thank you!.. I've Painted a few pictures of cats, And I use to paint Other people, But Until I Really started practicing, I Would of never really been able to do something like that!.. just had to learn how!.. My first couple of paintings we're so bad! hahah!!
auntie berta- Thanks!.. I'm hoping to leave the call center soon... Hopefully going to Hairdressing school in September.. just have to find out what information They need, And the info I need..
Monica- thank you!... yeah, I painted it in Paint.. It took almost 2 and a half hours... The Cats I painted Took Me weeks, Because I Wasn't sure how to go about doing them.. but oh Well.. It's a great time passer...
" I think I can pick you out in the crowd! " lmao, that made me laugh a lot harder than it should have, I think I'm tired! lol...
Can you do paitings from pictures or does it have to be in person .. at first I wrote live people, but geez it's not like you're painting dead people ... I think I really need to go back to bed this morning ... I was just wondering if maybe I could get one of the girls .. at a price of course, discounted though cause I'm family .. haha!
Monica - hah!.. I Always feel like I Need more sleep....
And of Course I Can Do one of The girls for You!.. just Send Me whatever picture You Want of them done, And I'll do it for you!..
or if you want three different ones, one Of Each of them, Then Just send the pics over MSN or To my email...
And I'll do it no charge.... It gives me something to do when I'm bored!.. :)
Perfect ... I will definetly get those pics to you soon !!!
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