sry for the delay...
Well, Time for another post..
For the health update... I didn't end up calling the dr. And Just suffered it out for about two weeks or so... And My arm Is Finally not hurting.. It's been about a week that it hasn't hurt... *knock on wood*...
Hopefully It stay the way it is now... I'm not going to put too much strain on it, becaus eI have an Exam coming up soon, so I don't want my arm to be sore when I'm doing my practical portion of my exam...
Now For school and work updates...
I'm ALMOST done!!!! I'm doing my work temr, Whihc I already have enouygh hours, But I'm still going to go until Saturday...then i'm completely done all my hours... I'll still be going to school though to pratice for my exam which is july 9ths... So, For the next two weeks, It's going to be hardcore practicing... And As for a job, I didn't think I was going to be able to, But Because one of the girls might be leaving at first choice, they aske dme If I wanted the summer job there... So, I'm bringing in my resume, And They all Want me to work there anyways, Because Of All The work I have already been doing, So I have a Pretty good shot at getting it.... Plus, they aren't posting that there is an opening until They do an interview with me, Which I know will go well, because They already all knwo me!! so Yay!!..
After that, IT's off the gatineau, quebec for me... I'll need to find another job once i'm out there, But I'm sure that won't be a problem, Because I already have two people who told me they woudl give me excellent references and such, so I'm not too worried...
Tonight, I did another painting, But I can't seem to get the pictures on this computer... my computer is still dead.. Which is the reason I haven't been updating... I'm on my dad's computer right now....
Once I get mine up and running again, I'll Be posting the pictures of my newest painting... I think It Might even be my fav so far, So I hope That you all like it...
And I'll also be posting pics from pat's prom... We Had a lot of fun....
Anywyas, I'm Going to go now...
Did I miss the post about why you were going to Quebec?
Yeah, I think we all missed the Quebec posting.
Can't wait for the pics!
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