My Body Is The Canvas... The Canvas is not complete!
okay, I've been meaning to do this post for a while... the work is still not done yet... I have a few more in mind that i want to get....
you can also see some of my piercings in one of the pics witht he stars across my chest...
I Also have my industrial done, which I don't hav pic of yet.... and I had my labret done twice, and a few other ones, I just don't have pics of them...
but anyways, Here is some of the work...
this is the First tattoo i Ever got... got it when i was 18... you can see how bad they screwed up in this pic, but when you see the tattoo itself, you can't tell... Still May get this one covered up with a slightly bigger star, but it was my first tat, So I Don't know if i want to get it covered...

This is an old pic of my second tat.... There is more to this one now... I Just again don't have any pics... He is not standing under a creepy lightpost, and I'm going to add more to this guy soon!...
All the pics are in the order i got them in... this was my third one.. Got around xmas of 05 or 06... I can't remember... lol... my first pride tat!

This is GIR, got the same time as my third one.... The pics are kinda bad, so there are two of him..
This is My second pride tat, going across my chest!... one of my fav tats!!.. lol
here are the stars again!
this is NAIL BUNNY... First tattoo i got in ottawa!!!...

CYBERDOG...this is straight on the back of my neck... Really hard to get a pic of this one... so Sorry for the bad quality of the pic...

This Is My before last tattoo... It's a celtic rose, with the Words "BORN TO BLOSSOM, BLOOM TO PERISH"... Basically saying you're born, you live, you die!!!!

newest tat.. Will get a better pic once it's completely healed... It's TANK GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heheh!!!...

Well, That's It for now.. I will add more pics when i get more work done..
for now... enjoy!!!!!
Wow... you really don't realize how many tats you have until you post pics of them all! hahah
LOVE the celtic rose - that is an awesome saying - so very true!
I can't believe how many tats you have, I think Mom should do a blog post of all of Dad's tattoos.
You may have just started something...
I think I May have.. I should send uncle henry A Message, and get him to post all his as well!...
And thanks... That one has three meanings for me..
1. I'm charmed obsessed.. It's the rose with a VERY slight Changed from the CHARMED Logo...(From The first few seasons)...
2."Born to Blossom, Bloom to perish" Is a Quote from Gwen Stephani song, "what are you waiting for!.. Seeing as how i was No doubt obsessed from the beginning, And Have Loved gwen from then until now, I Needed some part of no doubt/gwen on me...
3. The Saying, like you said, is so very true... You're born, you come in to this world to live, to grow, And Then you've lived your life and you pass away... I think everyone should take advantage of the life they have while they still have it.. before it's gone!!.. you only have one life to live!....
Atleast your tats seem to atleast have some personal meaning to you. I picked my first one out in like 5 seconds because I didn't know what I wanted ... now I am going to end up this 70 year old woman with a happy face devil on my back .. at the time it fit what I was feeling but now ... just doesn't suit me .. lucky for me I was chicken getting my first one done so it's very small.
Awesome Tats, I love the nail buddy.
monica - haha.. thanks.. I completely forgot you had that one.. I rememebr when you first got it though!!... and any tattoo, wether it has meaning or not, Makes me think That you know, you lived... you got that done, A part of the past... something to rememebr it by! hahah!... that's Why I don't mind that the tats are permanent, because they al remind me of something in the past...
Matthew- Thanks! hah! nail bunny is Awesome!! Just need johnny the homicidal maniac now!!
so am i the only family member without a tattoo beside candice. guess so and it is going to stay that way. yes, dont like pain all that much and i cried when i got my ears pierced at 23, so its pretty safe to say, no tats for me, but kodoos to the brave ones
Dude Trust ME I am forbidden to show ALL of my Tattoo's. LOL Read into that as you wish!!!!!
HAHAHA. Nail Bunny is DEfinately one of the coolest.
UnKl Henry
hahah!!.. I don't think i Want to read into that any more than i have to!!. So... Lets' not post all of uncle henry's tats!. lol
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