Newest, quick Webcam pic of myself...
so, I Was bored, And couldn't find My digi cam.. And even if I did, I think it's out of batteries... And I was also being lazy, So I Didn't Dress like I Normally Do.... so Here Is A pretty "NORMAL" Picture of me... Taken today!.... Like, 5 minutes ago.... 4/6/2006! So It's Fairly new!! :P...

My Hair is Red, But It's kinda hard to tell... once I get my digi out, I Will have newer, better pics...!..
Anyways, That is all!..
Yeah, I could walk by you on the street and have no idea we're related. Cute hair though.
I don't Think I Would Be Able to tell That I was related to most of The People I'm related to, So It's all good!.. :)
Hey Ned,
Good pic, but I think you got a hair standing up.. :)
Uncle Henry
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