This is Me on Saturdya night!!!...

This is me Exactly one year ago!!!...
Whata change I went through during the year!!

This Is Me Exactly a year and a week ago!!.. lol!

And So is This...
Well, I Don't know if These pics Will actually post, Because With dial up, It takes Years, And Doesn't Always work right, but We'll give it a go...
The Pics Are From Last year and this year... Last year, When Actually going out trick or treating, that would be the pic of me, And Melissa and brianna...
The one Of me in the bloody wedding dress, That was brandi and I Being Bored, And Wanting to have fun... so I was being a Suicide corpse bride... The Sword isn't actually in me.. lol...
and then The one With the yellow hair... Well, That was me just this weekend.. hahah!.. That was a lot of fun...
When I was younger, People use to call me a freak because I dressed all in black... That pic from this weekend, I guess they'll have to find something different to call me... like..weirdo or something!.. hahah!!
Just click on the images to Enlarge them!!..
And None Of These pics were photoshopped..
The Sword Looks like it's going in me, But IT's not...
And My eyes, Well, those are just contacts!!..
Oh my god, I love your cat shirt. Now a picutre of you in the wedding dress with me in my Nun's outfit would have made a great picture. Maybe they can be photoshoped together.
cat shirt?... Thanks!! .. :)...
And I Have So Many pictures of me in the wedding dress, I'm sure there is at least ONE of them that can be photoshopped with one of you in your nun outfit..
If Not, I'll Just have to put the dress back on, And be a big bloody mess again!!. hehehe!!
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