These are a few pictures from my trip to New York!... They are in No particular order...... Enjoy!...
This was from the restaurant at the KITANO... The japanese hotel that we stayed at!!... The Food was AMAZING!!!!!! Those little pieces of meat that are cooking on the stones were 9$ each!! worth Every penny!!....
This Was At a Drag queen restaurant called Lucky Chens... The Naughty Nurse Was a retired dominatrix.. She was actually a woman... She had the biggest muscles I've ever seen on a person.. She Taked pictures while holding people... She was telling us about a guy over 200 LBS that was was holding the other week for a picture! hahah!...
This is The Brooklyn Bridge... We Were on A Ferry Tour... Thsi is also when we went to see the statue of liberty!!
This Was at a Tiny little zoo That was there.. It Was a Little zoo in A HUGE park... we didn't go through the park though!... those were sea lions behind pat and I!..
A very bad picture of me in front of the statue of liberty!!. It kinda looks like I was just photoshopped into this picture.. HAHAH!!.. But Nope, I was really there! lol..
The naughty Dominatrix Nurse Picking me Up!.. She Also Kissed my bum, but I'm Not posting that pic! HAHAH!

I'm Sure This Probably looks familiar... Watch The Beginning of FRIENDS! hahahah!.... we Were standing on top of the Empire state building... Like, the 106th floor or something!!... and we still weren't at the top! hahah!
A little Gift shop at the top of the Empire state building... This is me being the statue of liberty!!
Patrick and I Around Time square!! The lights and everything there were amazing at night!!!! We went to see a broadway play too!! Which was awesome.. We Went to see Legally blonde!!! HAHA!
This is another picture from lucky chens... There was a contest, which I participated in... I had no idea what i was getting myself into Until They announced it.. I had to give this Hot Hawaiian Guy A Lap Dance!! HAHA!!... The first girl removed one of his shirts.. the second contestant removed his other shirt... and then My turned, I had to remove his pants... He Wasn't very comfortable with me trying to take his pants off, But I Got as far as getting them unzipped!! HAHAHAH!! Gary Videotaped It too!!! hahahah!!

Pat and I giving natalie a kiss on the cheeks at lucky chens!!!

This was trying on my new shirt after shopping!! I Like this pic of me! HAHAH!
This is the drag queen that called me on stage for the lap dance contest!!... her Name was miss understood... She Called me a whore!! HAHAH!!!
This is me at the top of the empire state building!!...
And that's the end!!... I have a lot more pics, But these were the better ones!!.... Anyways, gotta go!!.. I'll update More later!!!!!
Wow! What a time you had...thanks for sharing the tamer photos with us! I've always wanted to see New York over Christmas...ahhh...maybe some year!
How many days were you there and did you see & do most of what you really wanted to?
Love Auntie Berta
We were there for 3 days and 2 nights.. And in that little time, we did do pretty much everything we had planned.. next trip, we're going to try to book tickets for a talk show like ellen or something! haha!
3 must have went around at lightening speed! Say Hi to Ellen for me!
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