second attempt at the cali pics...

The Pictures Don't Seem to be posting Right... I'll try to post one more for now, And If It Goes good, Then I'll Post more, But if Not, Then I'll Post them another day, Because It's bedtime for me, But I wanted to try to get a few of these on here...
So this first one is Of Patrick and I in front of the Omni Hotel, Which Is Where we stayed for the 5 days od our visit!...

I hate dialup.... Picture two is finaly up though...
I don't rememebr the name of this building, But If You've ever seen the movie MEN IN BLACK, This would be the building that will smith and the other guy stood on top of when they were shooting alians or something... lol..
the other pics are being stubborn...
I'll post more another day.. I need to sleep now thouhg.. school in the AM!....
Bye All!!
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