one of my xmas gifts!...
Well, This MIGHT be The tattoo I'm going to get... I half designed it myself... by that, I mean, I Took a bunch of pictures, And made this my own!.... I'm still going to change a few things, but this is what i got so far... Click to make it bigger!..

I had two clients today!.. both turned out pretty good... Both gave me a tip.. lol!..
We had a substitute today.. she was nice.. really helpful...
Our quiz is going to be tomorrow.. It's going to be really easy... It's all Chemistry stuff with relaxers, And some of the elements of the periodic table, And What things mixed with what make what and does what with what hair... And Just things like that... SHouldn't be too bad...
I Found the gift I wanted to get pat.. I'm sooo excited... It's a really rare plush... I know Pat Doesn't read this, But I won't say too much more than that!... The best part abou tit, is that the Very few times I found it, It was 100$+... I found it for 80$, plus it Comes With two other plushes from the Same thing As this one Comes from.... it's NOT a Hotdog!!!... *couch*.... *Melanie*.. HAHAHAHAH....
I'm glad I found it... I REALLY hope I can get it... I looked everywhere for it... And I FINALLY found it at a reasonable price... I know, It sounds quite expensive, but I REALLY have To get it for him... I wanted to get him either that plush or the FF3 Game... but I decided on this, because I know nobody will get it for him, But I know he Might get a game, So I am better off getting the plushie!..
I've been listening to a song I had on my computer forever, but never really listened to it... It's Now My favortie song ever... It's a Really pretty song, and The singer has a Great voice... It's The Song BITTERSWEET by Within Temptation..... If You have the chance, you should download it... I know A Lot Of You don't listen to the music I like, but It's a really good song!! hehe.. I'm listening to it now!! lol!...
What Else.... I might be going to fredericton this weekend.. just on sunday for a bit of shopping... Hopefully run into some friends... I'm goign to phone them to let them know I'm at the mall...
Saturday, I'm Going to Be goign to a karate grading with Patrick...
And Tomorrow night, We're going to our friend Peachie's And I'm going to Color her hair!...
I use To Always Say "Dye" or "bleach" my/someone's Hair... But Now, I rarely say that, Because The Teacher was like "I HATE the word "bleach"... don't Say Bleach, Say Lighten"... hahahah!!.. So since then, It's Color hair, or lighten hair!.. HAHAHA!...
Today, I Did laundry... And I did Two loads, And Guess how much it cost to wash and Dry both Loads.... I bet your thinking $1.25 for Wash, and $1.00 for dry.... No... try.. $2.50 for each wash, And $2.50 for one dry, and $4.00 for the other dry!...
so $11,75 For wash and Dry....
The Reason it's 11.75, And one dry cost 4$ was because The dryers usually take quarters, one quarter for 4 minutes of drying... But One Of the machine Ate A Quarter and got jammed inside the machine, and so I have to use dimes...1 minute for 1 dime.... It's take 40 minutes to dry... which reminds me, I have to go get my clothes...
... BAck..
I Hate Those fucking Dryers.... at 10:00, I'm going down to ask Who I talk to about Those Dryers.. That's just effin Ridiculous... That was a huge waste of money, because the machine I put 4$ in, Didn't Even Slightly Dry The Clothes... They are just like I took them right out of the washer... I can't wait to move.... those machines suck!!... And It's not the first time that's happened... I didn't say anything the first time, But This is just retarded and A huge waste of money!...
Anyways... I'm going to Go do something Else for a bit... I don't feel like ranting too much.. I already have a headache...
that Is All....
Jeremy, where are you planning on putting the tat? Looks very nice and very you!
Re laundry woes...have you ever considered one of those folding racks? You could wash your clothes, fling them over the rack until almost dry...while you sleep/work or hang out and then put them into the dryer to finish them off and soften them. That only works if you have space for it or hang the heavier stuff, like your big pants on the shower rod until partially dry.
Love the updates...let's get the word out to EVERYBODY! Keep things current & definitely interesting! Game on!
Love the tattoo! It's got a nice design and is symbolic which is pretty important.
I like my gecko tattoo but it doesn't really 'mean' anything - I was going for a black and white gecko around my bellybutton , thank goodness Dad talked me out of it because I'm sure the pregnancies wouldn't have treated it kindly!
My newest tatto is a design with the boys' birthstones in the center.
Good luck with the laundry! That's probably the only thing I loathe doing, I'd rather clean bathrooms, eww!
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