Thursday, December 14, 2006

very quick update..

quick update because i have a busy dya tomorrow, And It's already 12:45...

I have to study for a test once i'm done this, and sleep, because I have to do a perm tomorrow, And I don't want to be too tired when I do The Perm... Last time I got lightheaded, And thought I Was going to pass out, so we don't want that happening again...

Today Was A good Day.. had two clients, Both went well... My time Is Getting A Lot Better too, because Instead of 2 and a half hours for layering with mistakes when i first started, IT's down to about 1 hour with no mistakes... I Just need a bit more practice to get my time down some more...

I had a few clients yesterday And The last one went really well.. She was really nice and easy to get along with, and she Wasn't fussy at all, And She loved it.. I colored her hair and layered it... It Was Really nice... I was proud of myself... :D!

xmas is soon, and I'm still not done the hsopping,... I'm probably going to moncton on saturday, so I should be done all my shopping then... once I get a job, and Make Money, then I'll be able to Buy a Little Bit More than I what I am This year....

Are midterms are coming up soon after xmas too... going to have to start studying for that...

My tattoo appointment is next thursday!... I'm so Excited... We End school on the 22nd, so I'll be able to show people at school..

Our New Place Is Really nice... getting Comfortable here now...
My room is almost all cleaned... I Woudl of cleaned it all, but I Cleaned it enough so that i had enoguh room to clean my rats cages instead, because They Were getting A little smelly...
Poor Rat Girls...

Pat And I Are doing great!.. tomorrow, We are going to do what we did on this day A year ago... with some changes.... lol... It Was the first day we met... The Perfect date!.... Met at the mall, and walked around in the cold, and tried to keep each other warm, and just talked all night... T'was Nice!!...
a year went by really fast!....

What else.....

uhmm.. I Might Not update fot a bit... We Are going to be getting HSI soon though, So I will be able to upate more... And Plus, this Place has VERY limited Jacks, So I have to unplug the phone to plug my computer in... Whcih I have to switch back in a minute or two...

but for the next few days, I'm going to be cleaning a bunch and unpacking, And spending the weekend with pat, so there won't be much online time...

Anyways, I'm going to go get food and study for a bit before I go to bed.. Hoepfully I'm not too tired in the Morning...


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