So... I haven't updated this in a long while... things are going well.. Just a quick update fo now to show you another hairstyle/color/cut I did for my portfolio!..
You can't see the color All too Well, So I will b taking better pics... Here is the just of it though!
This Is My friend/Coworker Robyn!... It was a slow day at work today so a decided to do her hair... the Hair Is Black And purple... I did a Few days ago.. the cut Is Kinda Scene, asymetrical, Shorter in the ack, long in the front, And the Style is Just a bit of backcombing/Styling product.. not going into too much detail.. but Here is Is!!

i don't have any really good pictures of the back... but you an see it a little better in these next two pictures!!!!

anywyas, that's all for now.. I can't wait to Build my portfolio a little better. once I get my credit card paid off, I'm buying myself new camera for better pics of the hair!...
anyways, Lemme know what you think!