Friday, June 29, 2007


Well, My Computer is finally up and running again!... So I'm going to post some pictures befor eI go Out For My Bday!!!... So, Here it is!!.....

First Two... Patrick's Prom.... I Wasn't able to take many on my cam, because the batteries died, but as soon as people start posting them on facebook, I'll post more on here!!... There are two of them on my facebook actually so far... Just waiting for the rest!!!

This Is What i Did To Amanda's Hair For Prom!!... I'm Saving This Picture for my Portfolio!!!

This is The Newest painting I did!!...

here are the four paintings I have done so far hung up on the wall!.. lol....

Anywyas, On A Final note, About the whole quebec thing for people Who were wondering.... Patrick is moving to go out to university of ottawa.... Gatineau is only half an hour away from there... IT's cheaper for me to live there then in ottawa... And I have friends in gatineau, So I have a place to live when I go out there until I find a job!.... Anyways, That's Why I'm moving out to quebec...

Anywyas, That's all for now!!.. bye!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

sry for the delay...

Well, Time for another post..

For the health update... I didn't end up calling the dr. And Just suffered it out for about two weeks or so... And My arm Is Finally not hurting.. It's been about a week that it hasn't hurt... *knock on wood*...
Hopefully It stay the way it is now... I'm not going to put too much strain on it, becaus eI have an Exam coming up soon, so I don't want my arm to be sore when I'm doing my practical portion of my exam...

Now For school and work updates...
I'm ALMOST done!!!! I'm doing my work temr, Whihc I already have enouygh hours, But I'm still going to go until Saturday...then i'm completely done all my hours... I'll still be going to school though to pratice for my exam which is july 9ths... So, For the next two weeks, It's going to be hardcore practicing... And As for a job, I didn't think I was going to be able to, But Because one of the girls might be leaving at first choice, they aske dme If I wanted the summer job there... So, I'm bringing in my resume, And They all Want me to work there anyways, Because Of All The work I have already been doing, So I have a Pretty good shot at getting it.... Plus, they aren't posting that there is an opening until They do an interview with me, Which I know will go well, because They already all knwo me!! so Yay!!..

After that, IT's off the gatineau, quebec for me... I'll need to find another job once i'm out there, But I'm sure that won't be a problem, Because I already have two people who told me they woudl give me excellent references and such, so I'm not too worried...

Tonight, I did another painting, But I can't seem to get the pictures on this computer... my computer is still dead.. Which is the reason I haven't been updating... I'm on my dad's computer right now....
Once I get mine up and running again, I'll Be posting the pictures of my newest painting... I think It Might even be my fav so far, So I hope That you all like it...
And I'll also be posting pics from pat's prom... We Had a lot of fun....

Anywyas, I'm Going to go now...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

second post of the day....Calling the Doctor tomorrow....

The Scariest thing ever happened to me today.... I have already been to the hospital once, but I have to make an appointment with dr. martin soon, because it happened again tonight, only 10 times worse....

so here's what happened, (in the best way I can explain it)....
I was at school, And We were just about to learn a new cut for our exam... one of the fredericton instructers were there to show us... I went to the other station to borrow some clips, and I Heard a really loud popping noise..... my left ear has been hurting for a while that day... After I heard the loud popping noise, Everything got SUPER loud, And I coudl hear every tiny Little thing, To the point where it was really scary... If A Needle would of fell, I would of heard it hit the ground REALLY loudly... Everything was echoing really badly... And So I took the teacher aside, And told He rI had to leave because I Was going to the hospital....

I get to the hospital, and First of all, Driving accross the morrissey bridge, Already loud enough, was 10 times louder, and Excrutiatingly loud... And Motorcycles drove by, and I Wanted to rip my ears off, because the noise was annoyingly loud and echoiing...
I got to the hospital, And A Guy ran in the room for registration before me, even though i was there first, So I sat there, With My Ear hurting really bad, hearing Everything Muffled And echoing and The automatic doors were driving me crazy.... After he left, I finally got in to register, and Sat in the waiting room, and there was a 2 year old who was Really Loud, And The heaters kept kicking in, Which was driving me insane as well... I sat there plugging my ear, but I could still hear all the muffling noises...
anyways, After about 2 hours in the waiting room, Everything just went back to normal... I was thinking I should leave, because there were still a lot of people before me, But I was also having problems with my arm for the last 2 and a half months, (which I already seen the doctor for).... So I decided to stay to ask about my arm as well.... Anywyas, After another hour and a half of waiting, they finally call my name, And I get in ther,e, He checke d afew things, Not even there for 1 minute, And he was done, And Then He was about to leave, so I asked him about my arm as well, And His response was "well, there nothing we can do about that", then he left the room before I coudl say anything else....

I was annoyed.. I hate the doctors around here in the emergency room.... Wait for ever to hear "oh, Just take some advil, that's fix it"...... I wonder if they know that Advil ISN'T The cure for Everything!

The really scary thing that happened....
so Tonight, I went to my friend tara's to study for our exam.. I was there form about 9 til 11:30.... We were studying, and All of a sudden I hear another weird popping noise in my ear, except his one was worse... not louder, just a worse feeling.. not even painful.... IT's hard to explain....
anyways, The best way to describe what I was hearing after that noise is.... you know in movies, When People are dying, To the point of death on their way to the White light, Or when Someone is in a coma, and they are just barely coming out of it, And There is someone there talking to them, And You can hear them like they're right beside you, Kinda up close, But Still Far away, Very Weird echoiing Noise..... Well, THAT'S what Everything sounded like... it scared me, I jumped even, And tara looked at me, asking what was wrong, And When she talked, it was just scary, because Of the way it sounded.... And I said no, and Dropped my pen, And When I dropped the pen, When it hit the couch, again, the weirdest noise ever... Really loud, and up close , but IT really wasn't up close at all... (if that makes any sense).... And So I popped my ears by plugging my nose, And making my ears pop... And I asked tara to say something, and IT was still sounding weird, But a litle less, So I popped my ears again, and everything went back to normal....

It Scared my really bad, even my heart was pounding really fast, And It was almost like i was out of breath...

Anyways, So Because of all this, tomorrow, I'm phoning Dr. Martin, to see If I Can't get an appointment with the specialist.... I haven't had any problems with my ears in the longest time...
The first dr At the emergency room said it was probably just acold virus, and To take advil..... but It's Way To werid and scary of a feeling, Especially where I've had so many problems with my ears my whole life, I'd rather go See An Audiologist, Just to make sure everything is okay....

Anyways, It's bed time for me... Have a LOT of work to do tomororw to practice for my Exam on monday and tuesday...

NEw post.... finally...

Well, I haven't updated this in a really long time... And Haven't posted about School ina while, So Here is What's up with school...
I'm Almost done.. I'm excited...
I have already started work term, which is Awesome... I Go everyday after school at First Choice Haircutters... At first i was just cleaning up, and Answering the phones and stuff, And Then I Was put onmy first hair cut the other day!.. (that's first haircut in a salon)..Turned out good.. made a small tip, Which was awesome..
But anyways, We can make a maximum of 250 hours at work term, And All I need is about 190 hours.... Meaning, I don't have to go to school, And I Can do work term...
I still get hours for school though, So I still go... I'll be going until Tuesday... Started at 1 on tuesday, I'll Be going to work term until I'm done my hours.. Then I'll be practicing, practicing, practicing for my Final Exam whcih is july 9ths in fredericton..
The Reason I'll be going to school until Tuesday is because I have another exam monday and tuesday... Theory on monday and then Pratcical On Tuesday.... Practical is going to be hard, because everything is so specific... It's annoying... but whatever, I think I'll pass...
The One in Fredericton is going to be hard, because It's for the association, And They are much more strict, And picky about things...

Anyways, I'm going over to a friends tonight, so We Can Study for the theory part of our exam, which Is probably going to be extremely easy... I'm Going to get in the 90's for sure, even if I don't study, but Oh well, better to be sure... I'm gonna try to aim for something higher than 95%!...

Anyways, I'm gonna go now...
PS. Keep Updating your blogs... I don't go on facebook too often!...