Sunday, March 23, 2008

raving is fun...

Sam And I!

one of Sam, Wearing my Dreads!!

more Sam Wearing my dreads!!

wish my raving friends from down home could of been there... I had a kick ass time...
the two first hours wre the best, then fr some eason, They played punk music.. hich SUCKED..Everyone Was Mad!!! We payedfor a rave, not a punk show!!... but all in all, Awesome night!!

Me Taking a break!!

More break...Danced a lot.....

this i My friend cody and I!.. he use to rave back in the day..this is the first rave in 4 years i believe... He still had it in him!!

This IsKyle and i, Taking a break..

die Sam, Die... And Bleed Rainbows!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

a few shots from photoshoot Number 4!

I don't know whihc pic is which... It's TOTALLY obvious whihc one i Am... :P...
the girl in the pics is lisa!....
the other guy in the pics Is Shadow!

this was a fun shoot.. these aren't all the pics!

what's all new...

So I've been tuogha lot in the last six months or so, from the Moves, to the work, to the relationships, to friends, to pretty much everything...
I Updated in a revious ost about thingsthat have been going on, So I'll Try not to repeat myself too much, and sorry if I do..
here are just a few thigs That ave been going on lately..

So... We'll start wih The most recent move... in the past 6 months, I moved 3 times... From Miramichi to hull, From Hull to Ottawa, and Just on friday, From woodroffe and huntclub to billings bridge.. whcih is a lot closer to downtown and only a 15 minute bus ride to work...
My New Address Is:

K1H 8K9

SO SEND ME MAIL!!! hahahah!!

The Reason for the move Was because the old place was just too much to take care of, and too many people.... Now, I"m Just living with brandie and Her Boyfriend Jason.. Things Are going Really Well here so Far.
So that's what' bee going on with the move..

now With Friends... I've made way too many,Way To Fast... hahah!.. not a [roblem for Me though... The only problen with that is tat they ll Want to hang out, And with work, It's hard to find time to do anythin Anymore.. hahah! But Oh Well, I Like keeping busy... Today I'm going to besuper busy... Finishing unpacking/cleaning, And changing addresses with phone Company(already did it wt the bank)... and Shopping(for the essentials), And so much More To do!!...
And after I'm done,, thereare a few people who want to hang out! HAHA!..

i did Another Photosot to help my friend lauren with a few ofher assignments.. so tht was number 4......
And Just Last night, I Got Asked By Random people Who go to A photography schol if I Could model for them for a photoshoot tht they are doing.... So I SEnt them an email asking for more informtion, and More about them... i Don't Wanna g Just meeting RandomPeople that Send me 1 message... I Wanna talk to them for a wle, And Meet them somewhere where I DON'T Die! hahahah!.... People Can be weirdos sometime...
But anyways, I Definitely considered it, because Photoshoots are fun!... :D

As for relationships... Not Really looking right now... been on afew dates... Some Creepy... Som a Lot Of fun, And realy Great guys.. (Who I have seena few times)... one guy, one of the creey ones... I met him once... Talked to im for a out a month... met him at the mall with one of his friends... went to his frieds place, Watched a movie.... that's pretty much it...
The next day, He Changed his MSN name to "NO LONGER SINGLE".. Actually... I'm giving hm credit there.. His exact words were "not single no more bitches" because you know, his Grammar was spectacular... I know Mine isn't the best, but I Know that his name was a hahah!... but anyways, His MSN name said something else as well, whic Was for me, becuase he told me... And o If I Went on a date with hi again, he might sk me to marry him or omething, so needless to say, I won't be seeing him again!.. hahah!..
the other guy is More ...sane..... hahh!..
but anyways..enough about that...

What else has ben new... work is going well... My Productivity, Whcih Was at 17 (Whic is really bad), (it shoudl be at 27).. ended up to 30 on the last pay... of course, work has been gettign busier... My manager Was quite impressed.... her exact words were "HOLY SHIT J,GREAT JOB!"... hahahahah!!... she's awesome... i am going to spend the night at my managers with my roommate to do some braid extensions.... This shoudl be fun...

anyways, I have a lot of work left to do, so I'm going get started...

Talk to everyone later...:D