so, thursday was the worse day of my life EVER.... It just went fro bad to Worse ALLLLLLLLday!!
First, I wake Up, find out My goddaughter (krysta) Might have a hole in her heart. (we found out the next day that everythig was fine And she Is perfectly healthy and no hole).... which Made friday a littl better!..
After That, Brandie Seds me a message telling me that a friend I Cared a lot About died.. donèt know the whole story, but i think she ran into a transport.. :(
She Was a coworker of ours.. I took her to the gay club! hahah! It Was fun!! and we always listneed to music ogether and made each other CDs....
REST IN PEACE CANDICE!!!!! I will miss you!

this Was ME And her t the FC awards banquet!
So THA sucked...
After That,With my own stpidity, Got Screwed out of Some Money... Wh I'm hopefully getting back..
THEN... Al broke up with me....
So.... Yeah!! just the worse day of my life!!!!!