a post NOT only about a band i've seen!
hello all who have had time to step away from facebook to continue to read these blogs.
Not too Much new is going on. I figured I would try to update on something more than just bands I've seen lately.
I'm still going to mention the bands I've Seen, because well, Its what I do, But there will be more!
So... I've Seen A Couple of bands Since the last post! I Got to see the Creepshow for the fourth Time now!! They are amazing!. I got Sarah Sin's Autograph for a second Time. And I got a fourth picture taken with her! he sister Was Also there This time(Just to see the show, not to Perform).... The opening bands were really good too.. the hypnophonics and The dreadnaughts.... Melanie, I don't know if jimmy reads these or if you even still do, but if jimmy doesn't know the Dreadnaughts, I can see them being a band he really likes! lol...
I also got to See LACUNA COIL a few days ago!!! one of my favorite bands.. The third best show I've been to! no doubt and Emilie autumn were the two first!.. lol.. But Doll And hail the villain opened for Lacuna coil!
I got an autographed CD and got to shake all their hands And It Was just amazing!!!!....
There Are more bands for me to see soon enough And I will update on that another time!
Now what's going on with work.... Well, I'm officially the assistant manager! a LOT of people aren't too happy about it, but oh well. I was qualified for it! I Passed the test for it. I Live close enough to work that in case of emergency, i can get there in 15 minutes walking. I Am willing to work more than just one night a week. And so for everyone who Wasn't Happy, Well, Too bad! Hahahah!! I'm Not going to be with first choice forever! and This will look better on a resume for me and Give me the experience I need to move up in the world of Hairstyling!
My clientelle Is Also Getting quite large! Yesterday, it was a pretty slow day! I Was non stop all day though. of the 13 or 14 people I did(two of them being color/highlights), all but one were requests for me, Which is Why I Was busy all day!
so yay for that!
The second week of my vacation was pretty good. Relaxed. cleaned My room. Made a trip out to montreal, Where I Spent More Money than I had!. now That I'm back to work though, I'm making money again, which is good!!
I bought some really nice clothes.. I'll have pics of them on here at some point. Not today though!.
As for guys. I'm still single and probably will be for a while! Guys in ottawa or who are from ottawa just seem Really Weird and like peopel who I Don't really want to associate with!.. That does not Mean all of them are, just a lot of the ones I've met so far!.. So there is really nothing new there!
I haven't got any new tattooes lately, Except for the one That everyone seen when I was Home!. I Do plan on getting more. I have a friend in montreal who says she will do them for me for free! (I've seen her portfolio And tattoos she's done, and she Is an Amazing artist, so All I need to pay for is the trip to montreal, which round trip is 60$ on the bus. And I will give my friend something, so 100$ or less, And I Can get any tattoo I Want, any size, anywhere on my body!.. so, I'm hoping for days off soon after I Can afford it, so That I Can get more work done!...
As for piercings, I'm done for a while with that!.. not completely done, but for now!...
my new place that i'm living at is really great and is coming along well!. My roommate is super awesome!. ive always been pretty lucky with the roommates that i've had!...
Well, I think I've updated on Pretty much everything that there is to update on!.. If anyone wants any updates about me on anything else, let me know!..
For now, That's all i can think of to say, so bye!