picture blog.. before go to bed... because I'm Not Tired, And I'm Really Bored....
Here are The Newest Pics Of Me... The Webcam pic I took last time wasn't the greatest pic, And So I Took These from both mine, and Brandi's Digi Cams... Enjoy!!
This Is Me... One of the few that are a little older than the rest... Taken a few weeks ago!... Not too long ago!!..

Another Pic of me, Taken The Same night as the first!

This Is Me, Brandi Took this pic...

We were A Little bored, So told Brandi to Tie me Up!!We didn't have rope, but we had duct Tape!!! This Is My wonderful BF Patrick and I!.. :)

The Night I Dyed Brandi's Hair!!

The almost finished result of Brandi's Hair... I Did Black Underneath the color as well!

The Process of Me Dyeing Brandi's Hair!!... Brandi is my Roommate btw, in case I didn't Mention that!!...

I dyed my hair too... From orange to PINK!!... Blue was added a little later!! As you will see in the pictures coming up!!

This is before I Put the pink in Brandi's Hair!!

Picture Time... Brandi And were bored again, So She did my makeup, And We took pictures of me wearing My CyberDog clothing!!!

CD clothing With A Black Light!! The pants And The Shirt are UV activated!!... There are pics of the pants glowing, but I didn't add them This time!!.. Maybe another time!!

Pictures taken Just an hour or so ago!!... so these Are Really the MOST recent pics I have of me at this time!!...
Brandi And I... She Has A Timer on her digi so This is the result of using the timer thingy for the first time!

We Didn't like the time, So I Took this Picture of the two of us, Because Brandi Said I Was good At Taking Pictures Of Myself, So I took one of the two of us!... I think it turned out really well!.. We have almost matching hair! hahah!

This Is Oniwaka And Me... Isn't She Adorable!!!!! :)

Now Last But Not Least, This is A Pic Of Patrick And I!.. He's So KAWAII!.. :)!!!

Well, That was fun.. but seeing how It's 2:40, And I have to work in the morning, I Should get to bed now!....
Hope Everyone had a good weekend, and hope you all have a good week!!