Monday, January 29, 2007


The Aba Is The ALLIED BEAUTY ASSICIATION.... It's a big hair show!! They have them All Around Canada.. There are big ones in toraonto and montrela and stuff... The Last one I went to was in moncton, and It's suppose to be one of the biggest ones in NB... The One in Halifax, I Don't rememebr If It's bigger than the ones in NB or not.. But Anyways, It's going to Be Really busy around the 14th, 15th, and 16ths, Because that's when The Hair show is... all the hotels and such will probably be booked... I Can't wait.. I'm excited!!!
They have products to sell, and competitions, and Shows And Demonstrations and stuff!!...

Anyways, First day of my midterm is done... We Do the rest tomorrow morning... and then, We have our theory next monday!...
I'm stressing about that!
I Panicked Today fore a few things, So I'm not too sure How That Went, But for the updo, She said that everyone did a lot better than the practice, So I'm hoping I did Alright!...

anywyas, Not much to update on Right now, so That is all...


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Percentages in the 70s is Depressing.... lol

So Anyways, Midterms Start tomorrow... I'm Not Looking forward to the practical at all...
The Theory is going to be fine, I'm confident that I'll get 90%+... I'm usually good at the theory part...

I'm Good at the Practical Stuff Too, And getting better and better all the time, but I won't get anything more than an 79% though...

The highest possible mark you can get is 85%, And The passing mark is 70%... but To get 70% is REALLY good.....apparently.....

I don't get why They don't just mark things normally, because just when you think you did a great job doing what was asked, All you get is 70%, Which just really sucks....
So Now, I know that after i get my midterm marks for the practical, Seeing the 70's Is Just going to be way to discouraging to even care about my marks anymore...
I know I'm just going to have to get use to it, but I know it's just going to be discouraging to see them....

Oh Well, Whatever I guess....

Anyways, other than that, not much has been going on lately... nothing interesting ever happens around here....
April is Going To Be fun... Maybe... If I Can find a way up to The ABA... because 1, I'll be able to See melanie, and Get her gifts up to her...
and 2, I'll get to see some really cool things and learn some really cool things at the Hair Show... So hopefully I can find a way up!...

but anywyas, that's all for now...
I'll update more another time..

Thursday, January 18, 2007


1. If you had to choose one vice in exclusion of all others, what would it be?
Music!.... all I do It Listen To Music, and Download everything and anything I can, Even If it's something I have never heard of... I Download it, If I like it, I keep it, If I Don't, I Delete it.... I Have Everything From Everything to everything on My computer when It comes to Music, from happy chipper stuff, to creepy depressing stuff, to swedish/french/japanese/etc...stuff, and Sooooo much more..... I love music!...

2. If you could change one specific thing about the world, what would it be?
GLOBAL WARMING!!....Before I read your Answer, uncle Henry, That's the first thing I though When I Got to this question... Al Gore's "An Inconvinient Truth", Is a great eye-opener for People Who "just don't care".... our World is doomed if people don't Stop Contributing To the earth's destruction....

3. Name the cartoon character you identify with the most.
GIR, from invader zim.... Very Random, And Cute, And he's an alien!... soo.. It's very me... lol...

4. If you could live one day of your life over again, which one would it be?
December 15ths, 2005... mine and Pat's First date... I Would want to relive that day because it was just...perfect!...... (Tomorrow Is our one year anniversary... :)...)...

5. If you could go back in history and spend a day with one person, who would it be?
I have no idea..... There are a lot of people... maybe Einstein... E.A. Poe... Shakespeare... Or Maybe even elvis presley... .... I have no reasonning For this... Just lots of people I think it would be awesome to spend a day with!...

6. What is one thing that you lost, sold or threw away that you wish you had back?
A Ring That I got when I was Really young with a black Stone And The Letter J in The middle.... I had it for years.. I don't know what ever happened to it... I think there might of been a hole in my school bag one time, and It must of fell out.... That Was upsetting...

7. What is your one most important contribution to this world?
I don't know....... I guess that it would have to be the charities/fundraising I did some A Few years ago, some more recently.... Race For The Cure For breast Cancer... Cheo Charity in ontario, Years Ago, Thanks To auntie Brenda:)...30 hours of famine... terry fox walks....
It's not Much, But It's a start....

8. What is your one hidden talent that nearly no one knows about?
I Can bend two of my fingers back to touch the back of my hand.... My index finger and my pinky from my left hand..

9. What is your most cherished possession?
probably My computer... It holds all my music, And It Tells me anything and everything I Want/need to know....

10. What one person influenced your life the most when growing up?
In Music, Growing Up, It would be Gwen Stephani... she Was Her own Person, And she went after her dream, what she believed in, what she alwys wanted to do....
of people I know Personally... Hmm.. Probably Melanie.. Well, Growing up, She was mean, And Attacked me with a bicycle and Tooth paste, But I Always knew That She Would understand Things About me that I knew I wouldn't be able to tell other people.. at least right away... Like, Me being gay.. she was the first person I came out to, because I knew She would be the one person who Would understand....
even Though Before I came out, she Always made fun of me for being gay... lol.. Well, Melanie, It's all your fault!!... HAHAHAHA!!... Just kidding... I always liked boys! :P

11. What word describes you better than any other?
Weird... With The Way I dress, With The Way I act, with the randomness, With Everything I do or say.... People Would Call me weird.... Sometimes psycho.... Sometimes Retarded(we all know where THAT one Came From).. HAHAHA... so I guess, I'm just... Weird!!...

well, that Is All.. I'm Not Sure what else to write about, So I'll elave it at that for now... going to go shower now...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

New pic.... I had more, but They didn't turn out so well.. lol..

I Was bored, So i decided to see how long my webcam would last before My computer effed up again.. I Can't Seem to plug anything in the USB port anymore.... When Pat plugs his ipod, my whole comp freezes right away...
When I am connected to the internet, and I use My Webcam, It Works sometimes for about3 minutes, usually less, And Then The Whole comp freezes.. I don't know what's going on with it, but it's annoying...

And sorry for the bad quality of the pic, It's From my webcam, because My digi Is Also Broke!...

Anyways, I don't have much to talk about, so I'm going to go see if Some friends are online to try to convince them to go to gwen stephani's concert, and to go to the dominican republic another time! hahahah!!

That is all..


Sunday, January 07, 2007


The Pictures raen't best quality, because I Had to Use My Webcam To take the pics because My digi Cam Is Broke... once I get better quality pics, I'll post them.... But Here They Are...

These three Are a tribal design with a pride symbol in the middle...

These two are GIR, from Invader zim.... he's a robot in a dog costume To Disquise himself on earth....

Anyways, those are my tat's.. once I get better quality pics, I'll post them...

I have to go study for another test tomorrow....

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

no more 2006...

Well, Christams Vacation Was Short, And not too pleasant...
I Was sick From day 1, until the first day back to school, which was today!!...
I had the flu, And A Cold, And Pains in my stomach, and my heart, And just lots of things wrong with me this break... lol...

The Day before xmas eve, I spent the night at Patrick's, And We Had Xmas eve dinner at his place.. it was really good... And Then I spent the night there again, and then Came home the next morning, and Went to have Xmas supper at memere and peperes... coudln't miss that!!!... :P

And I opened a few gifts at pat's, and then At Memere and peperes, And then A few more when I got home... Not Too Much stuff, but 1 or two gifts at each place, So It Wasn't two bad...

I Got Two New Tattoos, Which Are both almost completely healed, And They look really good.. one of them, the color could of been a little better, but It's still cool.... I Got that from A whole bunch of people... everyone kinda chipped in a bit, so thanks to everyone for that!!..

I Got A Spirtal curl curling iron, Which I Wanted for school, and once I'm done school, for my salon or for whever i work.. And A Book Called the eastern Mysteries from patrick!!..

I Got A Sterling silver bracelet from pat's mom.
And I Got Two Really nice necklaces from his sister... one of them is a triskel, whcih represents balance and creativity.. and the other one doesn't have a menaing.... that i know of... lol...

I got socks and razors and higyene(SP?) stuff.......

I Got Another really nice bracelet, More like a cufflet, with two small tribal designs on it, and A wooden carved necklace from my grandfather.

And I Got my phone bill paid, and gift certificate for The CD store which I Already used from dad.... I Got an ARCH ENEMY DVD

So that was pretty cool!... And I think That's it.. maybe a few other little things.... I don't rememebr right now....

Then For New years eve, Patrick spent the night here... New years day, we went to see my friends for a few hours, tairie and james, And Then We went to see his friends in the baie, and spent a few hours there....
We went back to pat's around 2 AM, And Then Had a big supper at his place with his whole family... And Then he drove me home that night...

and Now That Leaves us for today.... t was my first day back at school, and I Already have a quiz tomorrow!! lol.... School is SOOOO much fun... If only you Could hear/see the sarcasm in that!!...

Actually, school is going really well... I love the course... I don't like the school itself, or the person who runs the schools but The course s fun, and The people in my class are nice too, so That's always a plus.....
the new class starts on monday... So While they are doing chapter 1, we are going to be in that class for review....
midterms are at the end of this month, or early february..... I'm Ready for the written part... I could pass that with a 90%+ if I don't study... I'm going to study though, and shoot for the 100%, but We'll see what happens.. there are a lot of chapters that are going to be on it, so It's going to be a bit difficult, but I'm sure i can manage....o i have that to look forward to...

And After i got home from school, I cleaned all my room, and then let one of my rats run around for a bit.... After I Put her away back in her cage, I studied for a bit, and then I Brought my computer in my room...
Once I Got this all set up and working, I got online,a nd Started writting in here.... which I'm going to be ending soon, because I have to go study some more... That's all I ever seem to do... lol.. I was soo glad for this short break.. I just wish it was longer, but oh well...

anywyas, That is all... I'll update again sometime soon....

hope everyone else had a good holiday!..
