Here Are Some Of The pictures from the shoot....
okay... So I have over 300 pics from the Two shoots that we did, And I'm Obviously Not goign to post them all.. So I have about 30 of them that i picked out,a nd I'll post these ones.. So here They Are!!!.....
I dont' know what pics are which pics are which, because it doesn't show them anymore, it just has the Tag thingy, So I'll update this a bit to explain some of the pics.... Will porbably have to do it one by one... lol...
1. Joe And I.. Me in my straight jacket.... This one, as well as all the other gothy ones Are from the second Photoshoot... the other ones are from the First photoshoot...

2. escaping the striaght jacket...

3. Me Being Jeff And Joe's crazy Marionnette!

4.Joe's in Charge here!

5. This one is going to be photoshopped from one of lauren's Projects...

6. Shannon And I... Don't mess with the Mistress... She'll make you her bitch!

7.another project photo... I'm Dead!...

8. Joe And I. Me Starting to go crazy in the jacket...

9. Shot of me...

10. Shot of me again...

11.Sitting pose.

12. gothy vampire Has First victim for lunch!

13. Random shot of me again..

14. Lisa Contemplating, Wondering what I'm thinking.

15. I Love the expression on my face.. They're Real!! hahahah!..

16. Joe is taking Control again!

17. Start of the shoot number 2!.. just a fun random shot!

18. Another random shot of me posing..

19. Shannon And Joe Know I'm in charge here!

20.Lisa and I.. possible.... lovers?! hahah!...

21.Jump in the air!

22. A shadowy picture here!...

23. My turn to take charge with joe!

24. Lisa is one lucky lady! :P

25. Lisa and I. Air hump!.

26. Lisa and I again.. in the moon!

27 first or second pose from photoshoot number 1!

28. Joe And I again... He's telling me to come closer while I Just pull him in!.

Okay, so there were only 28 that i chose.. I Cut two other ones out, because Ididn't feel like putting them in! hahaha!... but Anyways, All Credit for these pictures Go out To LAUREN DALLAS... There are a few other ones That i want to post, but I have to ask Joe And Lisa If It's okay with them!...
but Anyways, There are a few from the two shoots...
Enjoy!... :)